UWAG presents Jennifer Willet | Melissa General opening Jan 16, Waterloo

Jurakic, Ivan ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 13 11:55:50 EST 2020

January 16–March 7, 2020
Opening Reception: Thursday January 16, 5–8 pm

Jennifer Willet
Baroque Biology

Baroque Biology presents a feminist science-fiction where biotechnology manifests interspecies collaboration, reproduction, theatre and storytelling as a means to re-imagine our shared biotech future. The exhibition presents a series of imaginary biotechnological vignettes including digital images, performative sculptures, and living cultures; where non-human organisms interact with humans in an effort to convey information about complex biological processes. The artist reimagines laboratory aesthetics as feminine, gaudy, and fantastical in direct contradiction to the norms of contemporary laboratory design. The artworks are counterintuitive, imagining biotechnology research as an integrated part of our planetary ecology and everyday life. Like fairy tales for a biotech future, each allegory focuses on a mammal, microbe, plant, or insect, that attempts to communicate with humans in a helpful manner about the biological processes they employ for survival, reproduction, or aesthetic pleasure. Baroque Biology critiques institutional hierarchies by encouraging unconventional daydreaming and welcoming new models of participation in the laboratory.

Artist Presentation: Friday January 17 at 11:30 am, East Campus Hall (ECH) Room 1219

Melissa General

Reclamation was created during a residency at Artscape Gibraltar Point on Toronto Island. During the course of my residency I frequently visited the shoreline, digging into the sand and recording the waves of Lake Ontario with a hydrophone in an attempt to reconnect and intervene with the water, land and self.

Currents: Indigenous Film & Video Screening
part of Agents for Change | Facing the Anthropocene
Thursday February 6 at 7 pm, ECH Room 1220

An hour-long program of short films and videos by Indigenous women artists focusing on the environment curated by Nina Czegledy from the VTape collection. Featuring works by Dana Claxton, Alethea Arnaquq-Baril, Shelley Niro, Cara Mumford, Lisa Jackson, Amanda Strong, Helen Haig-Brown, and Vanessa Dion Fletcher.

Baroque Biology by Jennifer Willet and Reclamation by Melissa General are presented in collaboration with Agents for Change | Facing the Anthropocene, an exhibition curated by Nina Czegledy and Jane Tingley on display at THEMUSEUM in Kitchener from Jan 23-Sep 7, 2020. 

Please join us for each of these timely and impactful presentations
Exhibitions and artist talks are free and open to the public

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
East Campus Hall (ECH) Room 1239
519.888.4567 ext. 33575
uwag.uwaterloo.ca <http://uwag.uwaterloo.ca/>
facebook.com/uwag.waterloo <https://www.facebook.com/uwag.waterloo>
instagram.com/uwartgallery <http://instagram.com/uwartgallery>

Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca <mailto:ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca>

Tuesday to Saturday 12:00-5:00 pm
Or by appointment

Ground floor entrance to gallery
Automated doors available at Fine Arts entrance
Wide pathways
Accessible washrooms on ground level

263 Phillip Street, Waterloo
East Campus Hall (ECH) is located adjacent to Engineering 6 (E6)
uwaterloo.ca/map/ <http://uwaterloo.ca/map/>

Visitor + Accessible Parking is available in Lot B beside Engineering 6 (E6) for a flat rate of $5
uwaterloo.ca/map/ <http://uwaterloo.ca/map/>

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1

Image credits: Jennifer Willet, Baroque Biology (Paper Theatre), detail, 2019. Photo: Justin Elliott. Melissa General, Reclamation, detail, 2014. Image courtesy of the artist.
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