Public lecture by Giovanna Riccio "Plasticity's Bombshell" - Today 4:00pm in ML 354

Margaret Ulbrick mulbrick at
Thu Jan 30 09:43:08 EST 2020

Good morning,

Please join the Department of English Language and Literature for a talk by Giovanna Riccio entitled "Plasticity's Bombshell" (poster attached). Giovanna Riccio is a graduate of the University of Toronto where she majored in philosophy.  Her love of poetry is her inheritance from a gifted autodidact father who penned his own verses. She is the author of Vittorio (Lyricalmyrical Press, 2010) Strong Bread (Quattro Books, 2011), and Plastic's Republic (Guernica Editions, 2019) and her poems have appeared in national and international publications and in numerous anthologies. Her work has been translated into Italian, French, Spanish, and Romanian. Giovanna has participated in various international literary festivals including Blue Met, The Edinburgh Fringe and the University of Calabria's Italian Diaspora Conference to name a few. Visit her website at

When: Thursday, January 30th, 4:00pm-5:30pm
Where: Modern Languages Room 354

Best regards,

Margaret Ulbrick, BA (Econ), BA (Psych)

Administrative Manager

English Language and Literature

University of Waterloo

200 University Ave. W.

Waterloo, ON

N2L 3G1

HH 258, ext. 36803

mulbrick at<mailto:mulbrick at>

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