Interlude 46th Annual Undergraduate Exhibition at UWAG Cancelled

Ivan Jurakic ivan.jurakic at
Mon Mar 16 12:53:38 EDT 2020


46th annual senior undergraduate exhibition cancelled

The University of Waterloo Art Gallery working in conjunction with the Department of Fine Arts is sad to announce that we have made the difficult decision to cancel this year's senior undergraduate exhibition which was scheduled to open this week.

In considering public health and University of Waterloo directives to limit the spread of COVID-19 we felt it was necessary to make this difficult decision.

We want to acknowledge the hard work of the fourth year honours students completing the Fine Arts undergraduate degree program and thank them for their support and patience during this unpredictable situation.

UWAG will also remain closed until further notice.

Ivan Jurakic, Director/Curator
University of Waterloo Art Gallery
Driving: 263 Phillip Street, Waterloo ON
Mailing: 200 University Ave W, Waterloo ON, N2L 3G1
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 36741
Email: ijurakic at
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