12 step recovery without God or spirituality
David Seljak
david.seljak at uwaterloo.ca
Fri May 28 15:25:59 EDT 2021
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Good morning,
The Lectures in Catholic Experience<https://sju.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=32b8faf3b62cb8f35a23e2996&id=fe59a7bdfe&e=23f56782f2> invites you to attend the final online lecture in the "Hope in the Time of COVID!" series, featuring Zachary Munro presenting "No Power Higher: 12-step Recovery without God"<https://sju.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=32b8faf3b62cb8f35a23e2996&id=0e8b0a6b24&e=23f56782f2>. The lecture is taking place on Friday, June 11th at 7:30 p.m.
Like other 12-step recovery programs, Alcoholics Anonymous is described as a spiritual, rather than religious, program. However, its literature frequently mentions reliance on God or some other “Higher Power.” Recently, a growing number of AA and 12-step groups have adopted a nonreligious program of recovery that does not mention God, a Higher Power, or even spirituality. This organized faction of secular groups has challenged the traditional AA model and opened new spaces for nonreligious identities and beliefs. Through (anonymous) interviews with members of these groups, Zachary Munro examines this secular movement’s attempt to open AA and 12-step recovery to the growing demographic of people without religion.
Zachary Munro is a PhD Candidate in the department of Sociology & Legal Studies at the University of Waterloo. For his dissertation research on the emergence of nonreligious cultures in 12-Step recovery groups, he interviewed members of the growing secular movement in Alcoholics Anonymous and attended dozens of their (open) meetings. He is currently working as a researcher for the Nonreligion in a Complex Future Project at the University of Ottawa, focusing on nonreligious attitudes towards death and dying as well nonreligious approaches in end-of-life care.
Please use this link<https://sju.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=32b8faf3b62cb8f35a23e2996&id=c020f44516&e=23f56782f2> to connect directly to the lecture being hosted on Microsoft Teams
We hope you will join us!
David Seljak
Lectures in Catholic Experience
Professor, Department of Religious Studies
St. Jerome's University
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St. Jerome’s University and the University of Waterloo are on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishnawbe and Haudenosaunee peoples. We are situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River.
St. Jerome's University
290 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3G3
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