Annual Event: W3+ Circle February 23, 2022

Waterloo Womxn and Nonbinary Wednesdays w3plus at
Thu Nov 4 09:27:42 EDT 2021

Dear womxn and nonbinary Arts faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdocs:

W3+ is proud to announce its annual event and call for proposals. Please see below and re-circulate! Thanks in advance –Kim Hong

W3+ Circle: Call for Proposals
Event: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Call for proposals due December 1, 2021
Read the background and call for proposals and SUBMIT here<>.

The circle of life is a concept found in many religious and cultural traditions noting how life is cyclical. Many non-Western peoples operate with the circle as a dominant symbol for its appearance in nature and as a format for traditional ceremonies. Decolonial pedagogies and ways of being use circle as a mode of coming together to break hierarchies and aim for inclusive participation. Feminism also has embraced the power of circle, as being in a circle requires centring the role of the body as form of testimony and engagement and as part of a community. Mandalas, healing circles, medicine wheels, drumming circles, yin/yang, circle dances—all find their inspiration through the geometry of the sacred circle. Historically, the circle has been an important pathway to understanding and renewal that is essential to making connection, building community, and disrupting traditional models of leadership.

W3+ Circle will be a day-long schedule of sessions for W3+ to come together in circle. W3+ Circle is open to all members of our community: womxn and nonbinary graduate students, faculty, staff, and post-docs.

W3+ is interested in proposals that centre circle as the format through which to connect and unite people. Any topic is welcome that demonstrates how the circle format is useful in bringing people together. For example:
·         Healing, Support, and Sharing Circles on various topics
·         Writing or Reading circles where papers are exchanged and discussed
·         Black/racialized womxn and nonbinary circle to share stories and lived experiences
·         Book/reading circle where a piece of literature is assigned and discussed
·         Queer W3+ folk unite!
·         Surviving sexual harassment in the workplace
·         How to create and cook over a fire
Proposals should be 300-500 word description discussing the goals of the session, topics to be discussed, the utility and aspects of circle format, and the experience/expertise of the facilitator(s). W3+ also welcomes proposals from less experienced facilitators who seek mentorship and support. Proposals are due December 1, 2021. SUBMIT HERE.<>

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