First LIVE Noon Hour Concert since February 2020 this Wednesday, Sept 19

Angelica Allen a26allen at
Mon Sep 19 13:46:27 EDT 2022

Hello everyone,

We are delighted to announce that we have returned to in person, live Noon Hour concerts.  Our first one is Curlicue, which features solo piano works composed by Karen Sunabacka, performed by pianist Darryl Friesen.  This concert is a celebration in preparation for the cd release which will happen on Friday night.

The solo piano works recorded for the album were inspired by my love of storytelling and my deep connections to the wide skies and whistling winds of my prairie home. Also explored is my love of rushing rivers and lakes in the Canadian shield where I spent many summers camping in the wilderness. Curlicue refers to the title track, but also reflects the twists, turns, and curls of canoe trips, water, and life as explored in these compositions.  Dr. Karen Sunabacka
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Angelica Allen
Music Ensemble & Concert Coordinator
University of Waterloo Department of Music
Conrad Grebel University College

The University of Waterloo is situated on The Haldimand Tract - land promised to ‎the Haudenosaunee of the Six Nations of the Grand River and within the territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples.

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