Anti-Racism, Decolonization, and EDI Events at the Games Institute

Gerald Voorhees gerald.voorhees at
Mon Apr 17 12:29:30 EDT 2023

Hi all,

Please join us for two upcoming events in the Anti-Racism, Decolonization, and EDI Speakers and Workshop Series hosted the University of Waterloo Games Institute:

1. On Wednesday April 19 at 1PM EDT/UTC-4 Dr. Andre Brock will give a lecture: The Changing Same: Blackness, Representation, and Video Games. The talk is a discussion of the promise and peril of POC video game character voice acting, focusing primarily on the connections of Black male anger and Black fatherhood in God of War through the voice work of TC Carson and Christopher Judge, contextualized against the audio Brownface of two voice POC women characters in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves. Please register with Eventbrite<> (for free) to receive the link to the online event.

2. On Tuesday April 25 at 1 PM EDT/UTC-4 Dr. Kishonna Gray, Dr. Liz Nilsen, and Dr. Rhona Hanning will discuss Just Relationships for Research. We are increasingly asked to envision and implement respectful and non-extractive research involving marginalized communities. But we are rarely challenged to bring those principles to bear in our own research groups, where asymmetries of institutional power between colleagues, students, and staff are normalized. This interdisciplinary panel will outline roles and responsibilities as well as best practices for graduate student supervision to frame a discussion of how to foster and maintain just relationships among researchers, with a focus on the principles and practices animating non-extractive student-supervisor relationships. Different panelist will share their knowledge of institutional guidelines for student supervision and/or experience with cultivating and leading non-oppressive research groups. The panelists will encourage conversations about what constitutes just research relationships within and across disciplinary and institutional contexts. Please register with Eventbrite<> (for free) to receive the link to the online event or attend the watch party in-person in the GI Collaboration Space in the East Campus 1 Building.

Best regards

Gerald Voorhees, Ph.D. (he/him)
Associate Professor
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
Department of Communication Arts
University of Waterloo
257A ML, Waterloo ON, N2L 3G1
I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University of Waterloo is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes ten kilometers on each side of the Grand River.

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