FW: Please share - Registration open for DH at Guelph Summer Workshops, May 9th-12th, 2023

Ian Milligan i2milligan at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 18 11:04:01 EDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

Please see below an opportunity from the University of Guelph for their “DH at Guelph” summer workshops.


Ian Milligan, PhD FRHistS (he/him)
Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Analysis
Professor, Department of History
Office of Research
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567, ext. 42775
[cid3925745601*image001.png at 01D86475.06E96560]

From: Digital Humanities Guelph <dhguelph at uoguelph.ca>
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 9:32 AM
To: Ian Milligan <i2milligan at uwaterloo.ca>, Aimee Morrison <ahm at uwaterloo.ca>, Lai-Tze Fan <l29fan at uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Please share - Registration open for DH at Guelph Summer Workshops, May 9th-12th, 2023
Hi all,

I'm writing to you on behalf of DH at Guelph. Registration for the DH at Guelph Summer Workshops is now open, and we are wondering if you'd be willing to share the below message with your networks?


Kiera Obbard
Ph.D. Candidate
School of English and Theatre Studies


DH at Guelph is thrilled to announce a return to in-person summer workshops!

The DH at Guelph Summer Workshops will run over four days, May 9th-12th, 2023. Registration is now open<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/dhguelph-summer-workshops-2023-tickets-608713347007> and we hope you can join us for what promises to be an exciting week.

This year we are experimenting with offering some modular workshops alongside our usual 4-day workshop format. See below for details on short workshops (full-day or half-day), three-day workshops, and four-day workshops.

The short workshops are:

  *   TEI Basics<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#TEI%201%20day>
  *   Introduction to Linked Open Data<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#LOD%201%20day>
  *   What are the Digital Humanities?<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#DH%20Intro>
  *   Best Project Practices with CWRC<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#CWRC%201day>
  *   Introduction to Zotero<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#Zotero>
  *   Introduction to Research Data Management (RDM)<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#RDM>
  *   Introduction to Voyant<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#Voyant>

The three-day workshops are:

  *   How to End Your Digital Project<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#Endings>
  *   Choose your Own CWRC Adventure<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#CWRC%203day>

 The four-day workshops are:

  *   Approaching Media Archaeology from a Digital Humanities Perspective: Introduction, Tools, and Techniques<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#Media%20Arch>
  *   Data modeling and TEI customization<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#Data%20Modelling>
  *   Introduction to Python Data Analysis<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#Python>
  *   Introduction to TEI Text Encoding and Editorial Workflows<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#TEI-3day>
  *   Synchronicity: Play, Participation, Process, Product<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#Play>
  *   Making Connections: The Semantic Web for Humanities Scholars<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops#LINCS>

You can find all workshop details on the DH at Guelph website<https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/dhguelph/summer2023/workshops>.

You can register at this link<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/dhguelph-summer-workshops-2023-tickets-608713347007>, and please don't hesitate to email dhguelph[@]uoguelph.ca<http://uoguelph.ca/> with any questions or concerns.

We have attached a poster and would appreciate it if you would circulate this to your networks.

We look forward to seeing you in May!


Kiera Obbard, Kim Martin, and Susan Brown

DH at Guelph

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