FW: May 10: Café Scientifique on IPCC’s Sixth Synthesis Report on Climate Change

Wendy Philpott wphilpott at uwaterloo.ca
Mon May 1 15:15:26 EDT 2023

People in Arts! The FAUW Climate Justice Working Group and Waterloo Climate Institute cordially invite you to attend

Café Scientifique:


The IPCC’s Sixth Synthesis Report on Climate Change

Join the FAUW Climate Justice Working Group and Waterloo Climate Institute for an informal 1.5-hour workshop with authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The IPCC released its Sixth Synthesis Report<https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/> in March 2023—over eight years in the making! As greenhouse gases continue to rise, the IPCC warns that the pace and scale of current plans are insufficient to contain warming within 1.5°C.  Nevertheless, the Sixth Synthesis Report strikes an optimistic tone pointing to “multiple, feasible and effective options” available to us now for mitigating and adapting to human-caused climate change.

During the workshop, participants will rotate through a series of roundtables hosted by a contributor to the IPCC reports. You will hear about the IPCC process and the author’s research. Interdisciplinary discussion will consider how science, technology, policy and culture can help us understand and respond to climate change and climate justice. No prior knowledge or experience is needed to participate!  Tea and coffee will be served.

Date: May 10th
Time: 10:00-11:30am
Location: DC1301 Fishbowl

Please Register<https://uwaterloo.ca/climate-institute/events/cafe-scientifique-ipccs-sixth-synthesis-report-climate>

Hosted by:
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Please send any questions/comments to Mathieu Feagan (mathieu.feagan at uwaterloo.ca) or James Nugent (james.nugent at uwaterloo.ca).

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