A guest lecture with Rakesh Patibanda on November 2

GI Research Communications GamesInstitute-RComms at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Oct 30 14:27:51 EDT 2023

Dear friends and colleagues,

We invite you to join us on November 2, 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT for "Fused Spectatorship" with PhD Candidate Rakesh Patibanda at the Games Institute.

This lecture will be presented in a hybrid format and is free for all to attend. For those of you coming in-person to the Games Institute, refreshments will be provided. For those of you joining virtually, please register using Eventbrite.<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/guest-lecture-fused-spectatorship-tickets-744433860717?aff=oddtdtcreator>

Please see the event abstract for additional information. Attached is the event graphic that we encourage you to share with your colleagues and networks!


Spectating digital games can be exciting. However, due to its vicarious nature, spectators often wish to engage in the gameplay beyond just watching and cheering. To blur the boundaries between spectators and players, we propose a novel approach called "Fused Spectatorship", where spectators watch their hands play games by loaning bodily control to a computational Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) system. In this talk, Patibanda will discuss a study he ran to showcase this concept, in which he and his team designed three games where spectators loan control over both their hands to the EMS system and watch them play these competitive and collaborative games. He will also discuss the results of this study, that helped create four spectator experience themes and four fused spectator types. Finally, Patibanda will discuss ethical design considerations of his approach to help game designers create future fused spectatorship experiences.


Rakesh Patibanda (PhD Candidate, Moash University)

Rakesh brings a decade of industry and academic experience, having crafted playful technologies and pioneering gamified mental and physical health platforms. A resolute believer in human-centric design, Rakesh seamlessly integrates advanced methodologies to address user needs. He is pursuing a PhD (final year) at the Exertion Games Lab, Monash University, mentored by Prof. Florian 'Floyd' Mueller and Prof. Elise van den Hoven of the Materialising Memories program at UTS. His research is at the intersection of play, technology, and the human body. Rakesh delves into designing play using technologies that foster shared bodily control. In a world growing accustomed to shared control technologies like exoskeletons, AI, and autonomous vehicles, his work carries profound relevance for game design, interaction design, and human-computer interaction.

Sid Heeg, University of Waterloo
Research Communications Writer, The Games Institute
PhD Candidate, Sustainability Management
gamesinstitute-rcomms at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:gamesinstitute-rcomms at uwaterloo.ca>
I would like to acknowledge that the land on which we work and live today is the land traditionally used by the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. I recognize that the University of Waterloo is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes ten kilometers on each side of the Grand River. I also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. As the Games Institute facilitates researchers of games, digital spaces, and interactive technologies, I will make space for Indigenous scholars, designers, commentators and creators to uplift voices that are marginalized in the academic and gaming community.

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