Donate Your Eclipse Glasses! 😎

Arts Communications artscomm at
Tue Apr 9 12:04:00 EDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

My wife’s school is collecting Eclipse glasses to send to Africa. If you have some and no longer need them, please send them to me at LIB 236A (Dana Porter Library).

Astronomers Without Borders<> is a non-profit group that brings glasses to people who may not have a way to safely view an eclipse in their country. Please note that eclipse glasses need to be in usable condition, with no scratches or folds in the lenses or tears in the cardboard.

Thank you for considering,

Tim Ireland

Tim Ireland (he/him)

Liaison Librarian

University of Waterloo

Waterloo, On

519-888-4567 X 45061

tireland at<mailto:tireland at>
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