does this work?

Fri Apr 30 14:59:22 EDT 1993

Hello everyone.  Yes, I am taking a break from grading term papers
(at the moment, I am positioned liminally: an essay on OEDIPUS, on
the one hand, and an essay on POLYGRAPH, on the other) to find out
if I have followed Ed's pellucid instructions to the letter.
Probably not, in which case this Bell to Watson electronic missive
will be lost in email ether.  Oh well.  Somebody/anybody: please
respond if you are reading this.  Technology doesn't lie or mislead,
does it?  Unless these electronic noticeboards are like the Polygraph
itself, a machine which purports to tell the truth but which in effect
problematises our very assumptions about the stability of empirical
reality (no I am NOT quoting from a student paper!).  Yours polyvalent-
ly, Denis (Salter)

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