Claire Coulter

Will Leveson-Gower wleveson at UOGUELPH.CA
Thu Aug 25 23:27:34 EDT 1994

        Does anyone know where I can get my hands (or modem) on a copy of
Claire Coulter's _Fever..._? I know it's still doing the
living-room-and-loft circuit and may or may not be published (yet?), but
a reading was broadcast on CBC FM the other night, so there may at least
be a transcript out there somewhere. If anyone's got any leads, however
small they may seem, please send them my way, via the first address shown
 Will Leveson-Gower    wleveson at / wleveson at
       Geochemistry       University of Guelph        Canada
  "Developing methods of removing heavy metals from acid mine drainage,
       our next aim will be the removal of heavy metal from music."

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