Richard Sutherland Richard_Sutherland at MINDLINK.BC.CA
Mon Aug 14 00:15:41 EDT 1995

Just a reminder that the deadline for submissions to the upcoming (Fall)
edition of the Asociation for Canadian Theatre Research Newsletter is
September 1. Bouquets, brickbats, news of upcoming conferences, news of
interest to members--in either official language--is welcome.
Preferred methods--
        E-mail (at the address in the header)
or...   Snail mail (but with disk [3.5]--wp51 preferred)
to...   Richard Sutherland
        Editor, ACTR Newsletter
at either of the following addresses:
        Department of Theatre and Film     or      1-2515 Vine Street
        University of British Columbia             Vancouver, BC
        Vancouver, BC  Canada                      V6K 3K9
        V6T 1Z2

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