Intro to Drama text

Richard P Knowles rknowles at UOGUELPH.CA
Sun Dec 31 13:55:01 EST 1995

Thanks for all the suggestions. I still feel stuck, though. The Worthen
anthology is good for intro DRAMA, I agree, but an intro THEATRE text
that I'm happy with still eludes me. Most of the stuff that's out there,
I find (e.g. Wilson, Brockett, Sporre, the various glossy things
publishers send around) is too dated, too exclusively
literary/historical, too prescriptive, or too distant from the Canadian
experience (i.e. too narrowly American) to be of much use to me except
as a source from which to disagree.
I guess I'm looking for something that both introduces students to
what theatre DOES (a kind of theatre sociology) and to what theatre
workers do, without being condescending or prescriptive, without
being Euro- or phallogo-centric, and without ignoring social, cultural,
and material context. And it would be lovely to see a Canadian perspective
(historical and institutional/societal/governmental, etc.).
Is this a project for ACTR/ARCT?
Happy New Year,

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