an old Canadian play: Marsh Hay

Richard Plant rplant at CHASS.UTORONTO.CA
Thu Aug 22 11:29:24 EDT 1996

Alan and Denis' comments urge me to add a brief one of my own. I remember
a professional director speaking to my theory class saying something to
the effect that there really was nothing to talk about in the way of
theory for directing. One learns by doing it.

There is considerable truth in that view. But, the statement also
represents a theory which informs that director's approach. My thought is
that if people engaged in theatre --I include those involved in
academic activity as well as those who create the actual theatre
performances and those who are the audiences -- were to be more conscious
of, explore, question, share their "theories" of performance, we would have a theatre
with even more resonance than now exists.


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