smoking $$$$

Winston D. Neutel wneutel at ITS.BROOKLYN.CUNY.EDU
Fri Dec 6 09:15:54 EST 1996

On Wednesday, December 04, 1996 12:30 PM, GLEN NICHOLS wrote:

> Subject: smoking $$$$
> I was listening to CBC last night and the multiplying concerns of
> arts organizations in face of the threatened loss of sponsorship if
> the new anti-smoking legislation is passed. (The companies seem to
> want to use this threat as a pressure tactic since the new regs. don't
> prevent their sponsorship, just their advertising that accompanies
> it).
> This would appear to have a potential effect on theatre. Should ACTR
> have a position in the debate? Should the organization marshal
> support for lobbying (one way or the other)? Perhaps at least we
> should be discussing this issue (?).

A similar issue was discussed in an arts administration seminar I took last
year.  It seems that a couple of years back, when New York City was
planning to ban smoking in all public spaces, the Phillip Morris co. began
calling up the arts organizations it sponsored (Phillip Morris gives
millions and millions to NYC area arts) and asking them to lobby the city
council not to adopt the new measures, and to make public statements in
favor of the freedom to smoke.

Now, even though NYC's anti-smoking laws are the toughest I know (yes, even
stricter than Toronto :-), they did win certain concessions.  And if you go
to the Opera House at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, you will see in the
lobby signs which proudly proclaim that, yes, you are free to smoke in
these facilities.

I don't know if ACTR should have a position, but someone in an
arts organization which receives funding from a tobacco company might
someday have to come up with an official position on the health effects of
tobacco. (And it would be a good idea to know what you'll say before you
get that phone call)

After all, it's the companies who have to do extra PR work to keep a
positive public image (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, petroleum) who are the
biggest contributors to non-profit or charitable causes.  The question is:
How much laundering of someone's reputation are you willing to do for that

just a thot

 Winston D. Neutel      
 Dramaturg, New York City               wneutel at
            Dramaturgy Associate at Classic Stage Company
           MFA candidate in Dramaturgy at Brooklyn College

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