Akalaitis prdn of Endgame query

David Akin jdakin at FOXNET.NET
Tue Feb 6 13:57:45 EST 1996

Reading Charles R. Lyons 1993 review of Brustein's "Reimagining American
Theatre", I came across a reference made by Lyons to "the now-famous
controversy over the Jo-Anne Akalaitis production of Beckett's  Endgame..."
Not being a member of the American academy and - some would say even worse -
not being close enough to New York City to learn about such "now-famous"
controversies, could someone on the list enlighten me as to the substance of
this controversy.
Thanks for the help.
David Akin                      jdakin at foxnet.net
Staff Reporter                  VOX (807)343-6200
The Chronicle-Journal           FAX (807) 343-9409
Thunder Bay, Ontario            CANADA

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