Macbeth--Pacific Theatre (Vancouver)

Guillermo Verdecchia 72102.447 at COMPUSERVE.COM
Tue Feb 13 23:18:37 EST 1996

In a recent posting Richard Sutherland remarked upon:
>>the apparent lack of vocal training among so many of our young actors. Has the
concept of placing the voice in the mask become a discredited technique? One
would hope not. At times last night I began to
long for the well-trained, plummy tones that so many British actors seem to
master to effortlessly.<<
While there are some well trained graduates coming out of Studio 58, there are
many young actors (or people calling themselves actors) in Vancouver  who have
little training outside of an audition technique or acting for the camera class.
The assumption seems to be that a slick resume photo, a good haircut and a
desire to "make it" is enough. For these actors, theatre is something you do
when you're not doing  tv.  And  while I certainly wouldn't want to hear any
"well-trained, plummy tones" on our stages I would like to see  actors (of all
ages and levels of experience) take the theatre seriously. And not just actors
Guillermo Verdecchia

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