play within the play

Mariel O'Neill-Karch m.oneill.karch at UTORONTO.CA
Mon May 20 18:27:11 EDT 1996

Since theatre today no longer pretends to be a representation of the world,
it has no other object but itself. I am interested in a very particular
form of metadrama, that which occurs when the framed drama is well-known.
Examples :
Ackerman, L'Affaire Tartuffe or The Garrison Officers Rehearse Moliere and
        Moliere, Tartuffe.
Bouchard, Lilies and D'Annunzio, The Martyr of Saint Sebastian
MacDonald, Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) and Shakespeare...
Wertenbaker, Our Country's Good and Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can think of other examples,
Canadian or otherwise.
Mariel O'Neill-Karch
Department of French
University of Toronto

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