Play within play

Guillermo Verdecchia 72102.447 at COMPUSERVE.COM
Mon May 20 21:11:21 EDT 1996

>Since theatre today no longer pretends to be a representation of the world,
it has no other object but itself.<
When did this happen? Why didn't anybody notify me?
 What about:
Joan Macleod's Little Sister, Amigo's Blue Guitar, 2000
Judith Thompson's Lion In the Streets
John Mighton's Scientific Americans, The Little Years
Jason Sherman's 3 in the back
Morris Panych's Vigil
Ariel Dorfman's Death and the Maiden
Blake Brooker's The Land, The Animals; Ilsa
Maristella Roca's Clutching the Heat
Daniel MacIvor's House
David Mamet's Oleanna
Augusta Theatre's 86
Karim Alrawi's Child in the heart, Promised Land
John Murrell's Democracy
Eduardo Pavlovsky's Senor Galindez
Caryl Churchill's The Mad Forest
Tony Kushner's Angels In America
Gordon Armstrong's Scary Stories
Surely even "metadramas" such as The Lorca Play (Brooks and MacIvor), use the
reference to a well -known play in order to speak of something other than that
play or theatre in general.
Oh! I left my own plays off the above list: Fronteras Americanas, A Line In The
Sand, Chomsky Lectures.
(Is that why I over-reacted?)
>I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can think of other examples,
Canadian or otherwise.
How 'bout Lepage's Elsinore?

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