Moira Day moiraday at DUKE.USASK.CA
Tue Dec 9 16:03:05 EST 1997

        I realize people are fed to to the teeth with this, but to the
extent that fewer and less secure academic jobs are bad news to
anyone in our discipline I'm passing the news on to people anyway. I don't
think more action - at least on the resistance side - will happen until
after the New Year.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 10:58:35 -0600 (CST)
From: Norman Gee <Norman.Gee at>
To: HEADJ at CENSSW.GOV.AB.CA, Jim.Plambeck at, moiraday at

>>>The Carleton University Academic Staff Association office notes that
>>>the following motion was passed by the university's Senate concerning
>>>the proposed program closures at Carleton.
>>>The Senate of Carleton University passed the following motions on
>>>Friday, December 5, 1997 (without much opposition):
>>>1.      That Senate directs the Faculty of Science to consolidate the
>>>programs in Experimental Sciences under a single administrative
>>>structure in order to reduce costs and increase strategic flexibility.
>>>2.      That in the event of program closures, Senate requests the
>>>Administration to ensure that in-course students have a reasonable
>>>opportunity to complete their programs at Carleton.
>>>3.      That the Department of Physics be directed to bring forward by
>>>February at the latest a detailed proposal for an undergraduate
>>>program in Applied Physics which can be supported by a reduced faculty
>>>establishment, and that the existing undergraduate programs in Physics
>>>be closed either when the new program is ready and approved or on
>>>February 19, whichever is first.
>>>4.      That the undergraduate programs in Classics, German, Italian,
>>>Spanish and Comparative Literary Studies be closed.
>>>5.      That the master's programs in German and Spanish be closed.
>>>6.      That the School of Languages, Literatures, and Comparative
>>>Literary Studies be invited to bring forward a detailed proposal for
>>>the modification of the current M.A. and Ph.D. programs in
>>>Comparative Literary Studies under the following conditions:*
>>>  (i)   The revised program will be delivered with a
>>>reduced faculty establishment;
>>>  (ii)  the program will include substantial participation
>>>by the Departments of English and French; and
>>>  (iii) the committee to develop the proposal is struck
>>>jointly by the Deans of Graduate Studies and Arts and Social Sciences.
>>>*The current freeze on admissions to these graduate programs will
>>>remain until a revised program is in place.
>>>Management has now requested that CUASA begin negotiations mandated
>>>under article 17.12 of the collective agreement:  "The parties agree
>>>to implement any resolution(s) of Senate on redundancy matters by
>>>memorandum of agreement to be negotiated and approved by JCAA within
>>>one month of Senate's resolution(s)".
>>>If, and when, that fails there is a fail-safe provision which requires
>>>2 months of proceeding through Part VI-IX of the Financial Stringency
>>>Document and Article 17.6, 17.7 and 17.8.  If that takes more than 2
>>>months then 17.10(e) applies.
>>>What that means is that once we get to 17.10(e) a committee of Deans
>>>gets to decide who goes and who stays.  Since the other Deans don't
>>>care it will be the Deans who brought forward the recommendations to
>>>Senate who will eventually decide.

Norman Gee, Ph.D, P.Chem
Faculty Service Officer
Laboratory Coordinator of General Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta  CANADA  T6G 2G2
403.492.3438 FAX:403.492.8231 Norman.Gee at

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