A Classical actor

David Akin jdakin at FOXNET.NET
Wed Mar 26 03:15:34 EST 1997

Tonight, (WED MAR 26), CBC airs a feature on William Hutt.
Today, the New York Times published the review of the  Livent production
of Barrymore. Given the professional tension between Hutt and Christopher
Plummer early in their careers (tension Keith Garebian described in his
biography of Hutt), this line from Ben Brantley's review might find some

                          " Finding the illuminating spark of divinity in
the junk heap of the aging
                           Barrymore, Plummer spectacularly confirms his
reputation as the finest
                           classical actor of North America. "

I'm curious if those on the list might like to either confim Brantley's
statement or take issue with it. I'm too young to have seen either Hutt
or Plummer in their heyday.

As for the best "classical actor" - - anyone care to define that term? If
you're not a classical actor, what kind of actor are you? Are there other
kinds of actors?

BTW - The NYTimes review is posted today at

David Akin                  VOX: 807/343-6255
Staff Reporter              FAX: 807/343-9409
The Chronicle-Journal  Internet: jdakin at foxnet.net
Thunder Bay, Ontario, CANADA  P7B 1A3

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