"The Ship of Dreams"

J Lewis jlewis at STAFF.RBE.SK.CA
Thu Dec 17 13:48:05 EST 1998

I am trying to find out who has the rights to a play called "The Ship of
Dreams" by John Hughes.  I have already contacted a number of sources.
One of the editors of "The Canadian Theatre Review" suggested your
address.  I'd like to produce the play, but I can't seem to find out who
has the rights.  I found the play in a collection called "Short Plays
for Reading and Acting" published in 1970 by Clarke Irwin.  Don't ask me
why there's no acknowledgement for this play in the front of the book
where the other sources are listed.  The current Irwin Publishing can't
help; neither can Playwrights Union.  Any ideas?
J. Lewis

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