Makers of Western Culture (fwd)

Richard Plant rplant at CHASS.UTORONTO.CA
Wed Jun 17 13:02:54 EDT 1998

Hello again:

Do you think there are many individuals from the theatre who have been
included in the following forthcoming publication? Anyone want to inquire?

Richard Plant
Dept of Drama, Queen's University
Graduate Centre for Study of Drama,
University of Toronto

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 09:11:17 -0400
From: "Michael J. Carley" <mjcarley at>
Reply-To: owner-publiforum at
To: publiforum at
Subject: Makers of Western Culture

Second Call for Contributors

MAKERS OF WESTERN CULTURE, 1800-1914: A Biographical Dictionary of
Literary Influences (Greenwood Press, forthcoming 1999)

During the past two decades there has been growing interest in the
process of cultural development and, more specifically, in the role of
reading as a part of that process.  As a result of recent studies, it
has become increasingly clear that the influence of "great" ideas and
cononical writers was less direct and more particular than traditional
studies in intellectual history had imagined.  MAKERS OF WESTERN CULTURE
will be a practical tool to assist scholars in tracing the actual
reading experience of several hundred of the most significant figures
responsible  for the general cultural development of Europe and the
Anglo-American world between  1800 and 1914.

The editors are seeking articles of from 500-850 words on the following

Anderson, Hans Christian (1805-75).  Denmark, author.
Arnold, Thomas (1795-1842).  England, educator.
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922).  Scotland/US, inventor.
Bjornson, Bjornstjerne (1832-1910).  Norway, man-of-letters.
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom (1806-59).  England, engineer.
Buckle, Thomas Henry (1821-62).  England, historian.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (1803-73).  England, author, politician.
Caldecott, Randolph (1846-86).  England, illustrator.
Campoamor, Ramon de (1817-1901).  Spain, poet.
Carroll, Lewis (1832-98).  England, author.
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (1855-1927).  England, scholar, racial theorist.
Cobbett, William (1763-1835).  England, journalist, agriculturalist.
Curie, Marie Sklodowska (1867-1934).  Poland/France, physicist.
Dore, Gustave (1832-83).  France, illustrator.
Frazer, James George (1854-1941).  England, anthropologist, scholar.
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-65).  England, novelist.
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose (1746-1828).  Spain, painter.
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834).  England, essayist.
Larra, Mariano Jose de (1809-37). Spain, essayist and critic.
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-65).  U.S., president.
Martineau, Harriett (1802-76).  England, journalist, critic.
Marx, Karl (1818-83). Germany, historian, economist.
Mill, James (1773-1836).  England, political economist, historian.
Millais, John Everett (1829-96).  England, painter.
Nobel, Alfred (1833-96).  Sweden, industrialist, philanthropist.
Perez Galdos, Benito (1843-1920).  Spain, novelist, dramatist.
Ranke, Leopold von (1795-1885).  Germany, historian.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822).  England, poet.
Sigurdsson, Jon (1811-79).  Iceland, man of letters, politician.
Stanley, Henry Morton (1841-1904).  Wales/U.S., journalist, explorer.
Strauss, David Friedrich (1808-74).  Germany, theologian, critic.

Should there be prominent 19th-century figures in which you are
interested but which are not on this list, please let me know of your
interest.  Additional subjects may become available in the near future.


Authors will have two major goals in preparing articles:

a. To provide a concise summary of the the reading which influenced
their subject/subjects.  Typically an article will incorporate both
educational reading and other early influences, and notice of works read

as an adult.

b. To provide clear direction to more extensive analyses or information.

If you would like a full prospectus with Notes for Contributors, please

[Continental and American Entries]
Dr. John Powell
Division of Humanities
Penn State, Erie
Station Road
Erie, PA  16563
(814) 898-6443
drjpowell at

[British Entries]
Dr. Derek Blakeley
Department of History
Box 1062
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
derek at

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