
Stephen Burge Johnson sjohnsn at MCMAIL.CIS.MCMASTER.CA
Thu May 14 13:29:50 EDT 1998

The Professional Concerns Committee of the
Association for Canadian Theatre Research
invites you to attend and participate in
an informal panel discussion at this year's
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities
In Ottawa.

The panel is on the potential usefulness of a
national organization/lobby-group
of chairs and co-ordinators
of Theatre and Drama Programs.

It will be held on Friday, 29 May,
from 12:30 to 1:45
in room SMN310.

Please forward this to any chairs or co-ordinators of Drama and Theatre
Programmes in any post-secondary institutions you might know, in case they
will be in Ottawa at this time and can attend.

Participants will include:
Chris Johnson (University of Manitoba)
Ann Wilson (University of Guelph)
Paul Bidwell (University of Saskatchewan)
Denyse Lynde (Memorial University)
Stephen Johnson (McMaster University--chair)

A proposed focus of discussion follows:

Proposition:  That a national organization of University and College
Theatre Programs, represented by the chairs of these programs or their
delegates, is a viable and useful tool for lobbying against government
underfunding, and institutional prejudice against theatre and performance
studies, as well as fostering a greater understanding of the diverse and
special requirements of such programs.

Discussion:  Speakers and audience members are invited to comment on the
specific usefulness they perceive in such an organization:  guidelines for
tenure and promotion; model job descriptions for various positions in a
climate that tends to overwork junior (and senior) faculty and especially
technical staff; the training of new faculty; consistency/fairness in new
position advertisements; the potential sharing of resources; advice and
discussion on the management of cutbacks.
Drawbacks to such an institution will no doubt also be discussed:
an extra workload in yet another organization; the double standard of
promoting solidarity as we all vie for the same students and faculty.

Stephen Johnson   School of Art, Drama and Music
McMaster University   Hamilton   Ontario   CANADA   L8S 4M2
voice 905-525-9140x27664  fax 905-527-6793

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