National Coverage

Guillermo Verdecchia GLV at COMPUSERVE.COM
Fri Nov 13 20:14:50 EST 1998

I think the people at the Post and G&M will tell you -- the former
publisher of the Globe said so a few years ago -- that their job is to
deliver an audience ( a readership) to advertisers. Their job is not to
cover the "news",  afflict the comfortable or comfort the afflicted, least
of all is it to provide arts criticism. No, their job is to sell

Gaetan's experience appears to demonstrate that there was a time when
newspapers had other goals or philosophies. In these lean and mean times,
newspapers can no longer afford such altruism.

>  It was the
> job of the Post and the G&M to make up for that loss of funding and to
> attention to that production and everytime we spend our 60 cents to buy

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