No subject

Barbra French bhatt at INTERCHANGE.UBC.CA
Fri Nov 27 02:02:58 EST 1998

Hello everyone
I'm a new subscriber, and I have run across a problem that maybe someone out there could help me with.
I am currently finishing up a degree in theatre at UBC.  I am writing a research paper on the Fringe, and am looking for information about the history of the Vancouver Fringe, ie its start up, venues, productions, stats on attendance and companies, etc.  I understand that the ideal person to talk to is Joanna Maratta, but she is no longer here in Vancouver.
Does anyone know of some good sources for me?  I have found several articles in CTR, but nothing specifically about Vancouver.  Unfortunately, I am under the gun a bit on this one, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all!
Barbra French
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