Brook's Mahabharata

Mark Fisher fisher at EASYNET.CO.UK
Mon Nov 30 16:47:27 EST 1998

>Hello colleagues.  Does anyone know whether Peter Brook's theatre
>interpretation of The Mahabharata was filmed?
>Anne Nothof

Yes it was. I saw the real thing, so didn't bother with the recorded
version, but I'm reasonably certain there was a TV version which, in
Britain, was shown on Channel 4. At a guess, I'd say it was shown around

(I remember this, because I was hassled by a London-based publicity officer
who wanted me to write about the programme and the spin-off book in my
capacity as theatre editor on The List magazine in Scotland. She didn't
seem to accept that as the magazine had covered the production on its only
British dates in Glasgow, we had no particular reason to be interested in
the small-screen version. This is an example of the same blinkered
metropolitan bias that Candrama list members were complaining about in the
recent discussion about Toronto versus the rest of Canada.)

- Mark

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