Howard's Exit

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Mon Sep 21 08:49:18 EDT 1998

Dear Stuart
It may be too early on a Monday morning to give a proper response to
your message, but here goes...

It is wonderful, but very surprising to hear there are so many AD's
and other daily practictioners of theatre on this listserv. Wonderful
because that is why we are all here (even those of us now painted
with the fusty brush); but surprising because the list has been so
"fusty".... several of us fusty ones regularly urge  commentary,
debate, criticisms or just reports about theatre activity and
problems, but alas we are met with deathly silence....

If you are out there and so anxious for the less-fusty side of
things, then where are your voices?  A discussion list, like any
other conversation, is only as good as the people conversing.

Since "only" we fusties contribute, then I guess that's why things of
interest and importance to us appear. If you want things of interest
to you to appear.... well, the e-door is open.  AND, though this may
surprise you, there will be an avid response from everyone.

As someone not in a major theatre centre, I would hotly welcome
discussion about plays and events in the rest of Canada and I know
many others are in a similar boat. So, start talking and make the
list a fust-free zone!!

We're all busy (yes, even academics), but if we all say, "well this
is what this or that SHOULD be, but I'm too busy to help make it
happen..." well there's not much chance it'll happen, is there?  The
list was started by academics (mostly) who are interested in and
often DO theatre... so the list reflects (so far) those interests.
Don't expect them to change FOR you. If you want this list to be
something else... then start contributing!!! It's as simple as that.

We're all listening....

All the best
Glen (fusty, but not mouldering!)

Glen Nichols, Editor
Newsletter/Bulletin de liaison
Departement d'anglais
Universite de Moncton
Moncton, NB
E1A 3E9  (Canada)
phone: (506) 858-4244; fax (506) 858-4166

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