the cry of the actor

P. Timothy Ervin ptervin at NEWS1.YASUDA-U.AC.JP
Wed Sep 23 21:37:29 EDT 1998


I am not an actor and so have never experienced the "anxiety ridden and
unpleasant" situation described, but I have applied for several jobs and
have sat on selection committees more than a few times and don't find
Howard's situation any different from those. When one applies for a
teaching position, for example, many of the same feelings are experienced:
finding an opening, submitting letters and resumes, waiting for responses,
sitting for interviews, waiting longer for some answer, rarely receiving
any "feedback" as to why one was not chosen. These feelings seem fairly
expected in such a situation. Granted, when one stand upon a stage and is
asked to "perform" one might think they are better or worse than those
around them, but I don't see any great difference from this situation than
other job "auditions."

Just an outsiders opinion....


                   P. Timothy Ervin
Yasuda Women's University, Hiroshima, Japan

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