message overload

Edward Mullaly mullaly at UNB.CA
Fri Sep 25 15:35:57 EDT 1998

It's one thing to have an enjoyable string of insightful messages engaged in
the witty joust and repartee for which we theatre types are so justly
famous.  It's quite another thing to be getting these sets of 13 huge
messages, twelve of which make no sense to the average reader, and one of
which we probably don't want to see again anyway.

Well, dear readers, I want you to know that I'm not your average idiot!
Thus I have gone to our local computer gurus for assistance in relieving the
strain of what I take to be an innocent and unintended flooding of our
in-boxes with code which could puzzle even a post-modern deconstructionist.
I trust they will solve the problem soon.

Hope all is well across the country.  Sympathies for all Jays fans.  Still a
month of golf to go, here in New Brunswick. Probably twelve months to go in

Edward Mullaly                Consensus is unnatural for us.
Department of English         We're an English Department.  Let's
University of New Brunswick,  act like one.
Fredericton, NB  E3B 5A3
CANADA  (506) 453-4676                    -- Russo, 'Straight Man'
   fax: (506) 453-5069

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