Fwd: Re: Fernado Arrabal

Andre G. Bourassa bourassa.andre_g at UQAM.CA
Fri Jan 22 23:43:58 EST 1999

_The Architect..._ has been presented at the Centaur, in Montreal, starting
6 January 1971, under the direction of John Juliani (who signed "Savage
God"). The settings were signed by sulptor and scenographer Jean-Paul
Mousseau. There has been a few French productions also. I have seen _La
Communion solennelle_, uncluded in a show called _Requiem_, by the troupe
Opéra-Fête, under the direction of Pierre Larocque. It was in the 80's, at
their theatre, on Atwater St., in Montreal.
Amitiés, André G. Bourassa.

>Hi Allana:
>Stratford Festival did "The Architect and The Emperor of Assyria." I saw
>two of his other shorter plays "Picnic on the Battlefield," and "Two
>Executioners." There is also a film based on one his plays called "Le Grand
>Ceremonial." He was born in 1932. That's about the extent of my
>information, other than he is a very interesting playwright.
>Kindest regards,
>Clair Sedore
>At 05:53 PM 1/21/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Does anyone know of Canadian theatre companies who have produced the work of
>>Spanish playwright Fernado Arrabal?
>>Allana Lindgren
>>allana at yorku.ca
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