Applause for Pollock

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Tue Mar 16 08:26:50 EST 1999

Thanks Anne
I REALLY appreciated your review/recommendation of Pollock's play.  I look for that kind of input on this listserv and find it so helpful when it appears. The details with which you described the show were extremely useful. I happen to be teaching Doc right now in my drama class, so I used your note to highlight Pollock's most recent work... fortuitous timing!

Thanks again Anne and I hope to see more of the same here.

Glen Nichols
Département d'anglais
Université de Moncton
Moncton, N.-B.   E1A 3E9
tél: (506)858-4244; télécop: (506)858-4166

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