Learneds Congress

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Wed May 12 08:02:25 EDT 1999

Geraldo... and all others interested...

You'll find an updated schedule of the ACTR conference on our website at

While you're there take a look at our Newsletter and consider joining the Association. Everyone's welcome.
Hope to see you in Lennoxville.

Glen Nichols
Département d'anglais
Université de Moncton
Moncton, N.-B.
E1A 3E9
télécop./fax (506) 858-4166
téléphone (506) 858-4244

>>> Geraldo Ferreira de Lima <gdelim at po-box.mcgill.ca> 05/11 6:07 PM >>>
Please, I'd enjoy a lot if someone could send me the program of ACTR's
activities for the Learneds Congress which will be held in Sherbooke early
next month. Thanks in advance

[ ]s
Geraldo Ferreira de Lima

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