Establishing Our Boundaries reviewed in Bulgaria

Anton Wagner awagner at YORKU.CA
Tue Apr 4 12:42:58 EDT 2000

Following is the English translation of the concluding paragraph of Kalina Stefanova's review of Establishing Our Boundaries: English-Canadian Theatre Criticism which appeared in the Bulgarian magazine Theatre:
"Shutting the book Establishing Our Boundaries, one feels like one has lived for two centuries in the Northern part of North America and has witnessed the different stages, nuances and faces of the very painful, difficult and extremely adamant search for a feeling of belonging, or in other words, for a national consciousness of the people who have really lived there throughout all that time. It's exciting that this process could be followed exactly through the development of the theatre and criticism."
The full text of Kalina Stefanova's seven-page long review can be found in the issue No. 3/4 (2000) of Theatre. 
Stefanova received the 1999 Award of the Union of Bulgarian Artists for Best Critic for her book Contemporary British Theatre Criticism: Models and Characteristics and has published three books with Harwood Academic Publishers, an imprint of G+B Arts International: WHO CALLS THE SHOTS ON THE NEW YORK STAGES?: The New York Critics. Contemporary Theatre Studies, Vol. 4, 1994. WHO KEEPS THE SCORE ON THE LONDON STAGES? Contemporary Theatre Studies, Vol. 36, 2000 and EASTERN EUROPEAN THEATER AFTER THE IRON CURTAIN. Contemporary Theatre Studies, Vol. 30, 2000. 
    For where to purchase copies of these titles, check with the publisher's Canadian sales representative, Rhona Kellington at r.kellington at
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