The Heather McCallum Scholarship/La Bourse Heather McCallum

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Thu Apr 27 07:58:19 EDT 2000

My apologies to Paula for answering in her behalf... but that's the advantage of being on the East Coast.. we see messages hours before the rest of the country...

According to the Scholarship notices in the ACTR Newsletter and website, there is no "application form" per se.  To apply you need, a letter describing the project, a budget, info about other funding, a CV and two references.

Check the latest Newsletter or the website at

You find the Scholarship information under "Introducing Ourselves"

All the best

Glen Nichols
Editor, ACTR Newsletter/Bulletin ARTC
Département d'anglais
Université de Moncton
Moncton, N.-B.   E1A 3E9
Tél: (506) 858-4244; Fax: (506) 858-4166

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