John Logie Baird?

David Whiteley ej691 at FREENET.CARLETON.CA
Tue Jan 18 23:00:01 EST 2000

I, for one, am curious:  is the attribution of "But soft..." to John Logie
Baird a cryptic reply to the question of Kean?  I assume not. I
the only one not to know the relationship of JLB to the familiar phrase?

A few guesses:

1) He was the editor who fixed the definitive punctuation and spelling of
the corrupted/inconsistent text(s) of R&J.

2) He supplied this whole new replacement text where there was an ellipsis
in extant versions.

3) He quoted the text in some other context in a particularly clever way
that I should have heard about but haven't.

4) Dennis isn't nearly as well-informed about authorship as we might assume
he is.

5) There is a difference, so subtle as to be almost impossible to perceive,
between the Shakespeare text and the JLB text, but the adjustment is so
elegant that it demonstrates the supremacy of JLB's genius over even

6)  The attribution of "But soft..." to JLB is a provocation intended to
sollicit an e-mail responce exactly along the lines of what you are reading
right now.


Subject: Edmund Kean

Dear Colleagues:

Who is *the* scholar, worldwide, who is an expert on Edmund


"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon."
--John Logie Baird (1925)

Denis Salter
4965, avenue Connaught
Notre Dame De Grace
Montreal [Qc]
H4V 1X4
(514) 487 7309
cyws at

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