Call for Papers

denis d.salter at VIDEOTRON.CA
Thu Nov 29 22:29:41 EST 2001

Dear Colleagues:

For your interest.

Denis Salter

An international, interdisciplinary conference to be held in Ustron (Poland), 26-28 April 2002, which will examine questions created by the presence of minority groups (ethnic, sexual or other) in democratic societies. Minority voices pose a fundamental challenge to the democratic ethos based on the equality of all human subjects in terms of civil rights and political representation. Countries of Central/Eastern Europe (like other democratic societies) have been searching for and working towards a development of plausible local solutions to the complex problems of minorities. The organizers propose a comparison between minority discourses in long-established democracies on the one hand and young democracies on the other. The Canadian example might prove particularly helpful in this respect. Canada has been hailed as a role model for the world, combining a social conscience with a clear-sighted political agenda, but in the eyes of some critics its multicultural politics of difference does not always bring the expected results. Since the conference has an interdisciplinary character, we invite a wide range of perspectives, including literature, arts, law, history, political science, sociology, psychology, queer and gender theory, media and cultural studies, etc.

'If we rule the world together then we can succeed in peace and let each other be different and have different opinions and different cultures. If there was no diversity then life would be boring. Imagine me looking exactly like you or acting the same way! LIFE NEEDS difference and until we realise it then we will not achieve our hope of world peace!"-Natasha Salter, written on the occasion of her 11th birthday (20 November 01).

Denis Salter
Professor of Theatre
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke St West
H3A 2T6

T: (514) 398 6573
F: (514) 398 8146
E: <d.salter at>
    <denis.salter at>

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