Clearing something up

Gaetan Charlebois gaetan_charlebois at VIDEOTRON.CA
Thu May 23 19:41:47 EDT 2002

I just wanted to clear a little something up about the last bulletin about
the Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the WWW. I made the following
remark: "...though some fans are invaluable assistants in the creation of
profiles, you have to be very, very careful. They will often get insanely
territorial (like they are keepers of some kind of sacred flame)."

I subsequently got some snarky mail about "the fans" and realized that it
did, indeed, look like I was talking about my fans or the project's fans.
No; I meant that some fans of profilees (particularly actors) help me gather
information on the profilee and then give me a very hard time about how I
use it.

I hope that clears it up and proves that I am the humblest man alive...
(Were I the type to use those little icons like ;-) this is where I would
use one...but I am not the type).


Gaetan Charlebois (Editor, Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the WWW,

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