PLEASE HELP - American Swear Words and Antidote/Substitute words

Subba Rao subba9 at CABLESPEED.COM
Fri Aug 8 08:18:32 EDT 2003


I have been using many swear words thinking that they were normal American
slang words.    I have stopped using words like S*** and F***.  These words
haven't been used in a while.  There seems to be a long list of swear words
like "Damn", "Oh God", "Jesus Christ", "bitch", "Son of a gun" etc.   Believe
it or not I did think these words were part of t he American slang.  The
effects were certainly not good.  Lost lot of dear friends and collegues.
Could some please point me to some resources which will list all the swear
words and their antidote/substitute words?  There are sites that do list the
swear words, but do not advice you how to clean up with substitute words.

Apart from my vocal volume being a problem, my ignorance in learning the
differences between slang and swear words is even worse.

The 2 most common words that I noticed that I use are "Damn" and "Oh God".
What would be the acceptable words to express my frustration?

Any help sincerely appreciated!  Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao
subba9 at
Old American Wild West saying:       God created men but Colt made them equal.
Today:                  Linus created Linux and Linux made IT companies equal.

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