[Ccsa_list] Margaret Krang Edmonton City Counselor circa 1930's (fwd)

Ric Knowles rknowles at UOGUELPH.CA
Sun Sep 28 19:54:52 EDT 2003

Hi everyone,

I'm forwarding this from the Cultural Studies list, in case anyone can
offer help.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 18:12:22 -0400
From: Jeanne Maurer <jmaurer at sympatico.ca>
Reply-To: ccsa_list at informer2.cis.McMaster.CA
To: ccsa_list at informer2.cis.McMaster.CA
Subject: [Ccsa_list] Margaret Krang Edmonton City Counselor circa 1930's

Hi all...this is a general request for information about Margaret Krang or
Crang who, in her early 20's, served as an Edmonton City Counselor sometime
in the 1930's.

As a result of a scandal to do with Edmonton's Empire Theatre and a gay
stage production, apparently, she left Council and later turned up as
journalist for the Edmonton Journal. Another actor in this drama was a
person called Atha Andrews who was involved in the theatre.

I was hoping that the U of A Cultural Studies Group might have heard
Margaret's story, especially in any queer studies research that has been
going on.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks...Jeanne Maurer

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