The Academy, Theatre and Controversy

Wes D. Pearce Wes.Pearce at UREGINA.CA
Mon Feb 6 22:47:47 EST 2006

Happy February.  I am currently working on a research project 
surrounding controversy surrounding certain theatre pieces being staged
within the academy (or under the auspices of a university or college). 
My general sense, and most of the literature I've been able to collect,
has focused on American universities (and in particular around Angels 
in America).  Is anyone familiar with such an issue occuring at a 
Canadian institution.  

Again I am only looking at productions and controversy at the 
university/college level so the Surrey School District 'postponing' the
production of The Laramie Project last September and the fire and 
damnation rhetoric around ATP's production of Angels are both out of 
the running.

Anyway, any help that can be provided or at least to point me in a 
direction is most appreciated.  Please contact me privately at 
wes.pearce at

Thanks in advance, 


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin

Wes D. Pearce
Associate Professor
Costume/Set Design
E Mail- Wes.Pearce at
Voice- (306) 585 5571
Fax-   (306) 585 5599

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