Fw: Petition to support youth in arts

Alan Filewod afilewod at UOGUELPH.CA
Thu Jun 1 10:53:33 EDT 2006

Perhaps the saddest thing about this is the way in which arts 
supporters endorse the conservative platform of tax credits. For my 
part I will not sign this petitiion because it is fundamentally bad 
public policy. Reaganomics doesn't work. As we saw in the Tory 
childcare plan, tax credits are an integral part of the systematic 
defunding of essential services.

At 10:11 AM -0700 6/1/06, Rebecca Burton wrote:
>Hello Candramers
>I just received this email from Jan Selman (please see below) and 
>thought I would pass it on since the issue came up at one 
>point during the ACTR conference.  Some people were interested 
>in more information and the petition about the new tax credit for 
>kid's sports (but not artistic) activities.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:michaelscholar at gmail.com>michael scholar
>Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:10 PM
>Subject: Petition to support youth in arts
>Dear friends,
>Some of you may have received this already, but if not, please sign 
>and pass it along to others in your address book. It's too important 
>an issue to ignore.
>If you click on the link below, you can read and sign an online 
>petition to the federal government, requesting that it reconsider 
>its budget provision giving a tax break to parents who put their 
>children in organized sports (hockey, soccer), but giving nothing to 
>parents who choose to develop their children's intellectual and 
>artistic talents (art, music, dance, drama).  This is not good 
>public policy.
>If you agree with that view and the wording of this petition, please 
>sign it yourself and copy the link to your like-minded friends.
>My apologies if you have received more than one of these. Please 
>sign the petition only once.
>Jan Selman
>Principal Investigator,
>Are We There Yet? Community-University Research Alliance
>Chair (on leave, July 2005-June 2006)
>Department of Drama
>University of Alberta

Alan Filewod
Schoool of English and Theatre Studies
University of Guelph

Guelph ON
Canada N1G 2W1
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