New UBC Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity

Kirsty Johnston kirstyj at INTERCHANGE.UBC.CA
Thu Jan 24 00:32:33 EST 2008

The Department of Theatre and Film at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver invites 
applications for a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship.  The Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow will join 14 
currently in the Faculty of Arts along with 16 more to be appointed for 2008/09. These positions 
enable innovative, collaborative teaching between Fellows and outstanding UBC professors while 
helping to launch the careers of new scholars showing promise as university teachers. 
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows will join a cohort of early-career scholars sharing methods and 
exchanging ideas for excellent teaching.This position is for one year, starting July 1, 2008, 
renewable for an additional year subject to approval from the Department Head. Applicants will 
normally be within three years of having been awarded the PhD. The successful applicant will 
teach three courses (9 credits) per year: one section of FIST 100 (Introduction to Film Studies) AND 
one section of either THTR 120 (Introduction to Theatre) or Drama 200 (Introduction to Drama), 
plus one senior course in her or his research area. 

Applicants should have a PhD in one of the following fields: film or cinema studies, performance 
or drama/theatre studies, or a related discipline.  The applicant should have an outstanding 
research agenda, demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching, and evidence of excellence in 
scholarship.  All positions are subject to final budgetary approval.

Applicants should send a letter of application, short teaching dossier, sample of written work and 
CV to at or 
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship Program
Department of Theatre and Film
University of British Columbia
6354 Crescent Road 
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Applicants must also arrange for three confidential reference letters from academics. Complete 
applications and letters must be received by February 29, 2008. Shortlisted candidates may be 
interviewed by phone.

The University of British Columbia hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment 
equity. We encourage all qualified persons to apply.

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