Arts is your story project

Jenn Stephenson jenn.stephenson at QUEENSU.CA
Thu Sep 25 15:04:36 EDT 2008

ARTS IS YOUR STORY:  taking stories to the streets


In response to Stephen Harper’s characterization of arts as only of interest
to an elite group and not relevant to ‘ordinary’ Canadians, we want to
demonstrate the prevalence and importance of arts in all our lives. At its
very core, art is about the human experience. Art is about storytelling. And
we all have important stories to tell. We have a need to tell stories, but
also we have a need to hear other people’s stories.


Therefore, to highlight our belief that everyone is bound together by arts
and by the stories that artists tell, we propose to take our stories into
the streets. Starting Monday Sept 29th, students, faculty and staff of the
Queen’s University Drama department will be telling stories in public
places.  Working in pairs, we will locate ourselves around Kingston to read
poems, read short stories, sing songs, play music, read from childrens’
picture books, talk about the Canadian documentary or film you loved,
perform monologues, do puppetry
every kind of storytelling through art. Each
performance will also have a sign or flyers explaining why we think that
arts are an integral part of the life of every Canadian. We plan to document
our performances, placing pins on a large wall map of Kingston and recording
the title of the work of art, the name of the artist and the name of the
performer. We will be highlighting a series of ‘story-days’ leading up to a
large event just before the election.  


We invite local groups, other departments at Queen’s and at departments at
other universities to join us in this project.


For information: Julie Salverson jsalverson1 at (613) 533-6000

                        Jenn Stephenson jenn.stephenson at
(613)533-6000 x78597



Jenn Stephenson

Assistant Professor, Drama

Queen's University

Kingston, Ontario

K7L 3N6

(613)533-6000 x78597

email:  <mailto:jenn.stephenson at> jenn.stephenson at

URL:  <>


"There is no theory that is not a fragment, carefully prepared, of some
autobiography" --Paul Valéry 




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