CATR/ACRT bios are not spam;-)

Wes Pearce Wes.Pearce at UREGINA.CA
Sat Feb 12 17:46:56 EST 2011

Members of CATR/ACRT - 
Earlier today, I sent an email with the subject heading - "CATR/ACRT Candidates for Executive Elections Biographies "to all the members in our database (whether they were active or not).  It is possible that because of the nature of this email (i.e being sent to almost 300 recipients) that your spam filter may block the email and so I would ask you to please check your spam/junk filter to ensure that this important bit of election information has not been lost.
Also the invitation to participate in the election will be sent to all active members on Monday February 14 and again because the email will be a 'mass' email it may also be directed to your spam/junk mail box.  If you know you are a paid up and active member of the association please and you don't receive an invitation to participate in the election by February 15 please check your junk mail and if the email isn't there please let me know.
Further, when today's  email was sent approximately 30 addresses bounced back.  This is generally when people have moved from a former institution or moved their account from hotmail to gmail but if you haven't received today's email and wish to participate in the election please renew your membership now!
This can be easily done by going to the CATR/ACRT website - clicking on the become a member today link and following the easy steps on the pages that follow.
Thanks for your understanding as we migrate to this new platform.
Wes D. Pearce
Associate Dean (Undergraduate)
Faculty of Fine Arts
University of Regina
S4S 0A2
306 585 5571
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