Upcoming CATR/ACRT election

Returning Officer catr.elections at GMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 10 01:11:58 EST 2014

Just a quick note to let everyone know about the upcoming CATR/ACRT
election.  The election will be done electronically again this year and an
email from surveymonkey will be sent from me to all current members of the
association.  This email serves as a gentle reminder that if you aren't a
member or haven't yet renewed now is the time to do so!

The election will be open for 4 weeks and if you renew (or sign up as a new
member) anytime during those 4 weeks you can still vote in the election.
We have 4 elections happening this year, including the new positions of
members at large (graduate students) and Alberta and the Territories as
well as a slate of candidates to fill the 3 member at large positions.  So
it promises to be a meaningful election and every membership (and vote)
will be important!

CATR/ACRT memberships can be obtained at http://catracrt.ca/


Wes Pearce
Elections Officer CATR/ACRT
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