Spectacles de clowns au th=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9=E2tre/_?=Clown shows in Theatre

Will Weigler willweigler at YAHOO.COM
Mon Mar 17 16:58:24 EDT 2014

Bonjour France,

Depending on how broadly you define clown, my first recommendation for a video is Bill Irwin's 1980s show, The Regard of Flight. It is available on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AVifTdjtvE

You can also see his collection of short routines, The Clown Bagatelles, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94r249gfA90

Also, brilliant clown work by Larry Griswold here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T89HO_qIMyo

As for a person to contact, the top of my list would be John Towsen, author of the book Clowns. His blog, which has an archive brimming with valuable material, is called "All Fall Down: The Craft and Art of Physical Comedy." You can find it here: http://physicalcomedy.blogspot.ca/

Bonne chance!

Will Weigler

On Monday, March 17, 2014 11:24:32 AM, *France Huot * <huotfr at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

Je suis candidate à la maîtrise à l'Université d'Ottawa et mon sujet de thèse porte sur les spectacles de clown au théâtre. En ce moment, je suis à la recherche de titres et de captations de spectacles. Si vous avez des pistes ou des suggestions, ce serait très apprécié!

I'm a masters student at University of Ottawa. My thesis topic is based on clown shows. If anyone has any suggestions as to particular shows, videos or people to contact, it would be very much appreciated. 

France Huot
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