The Dumbells and Norman Fraser Allan

Alan Filewod afilewod at UOGUELPH.CA
Thu Oct 23 14:43:03 EDT 2014

I would direct her to Jason Wilson's book, Soldiers of Song (WLU Press, 2012). It is a comprehensive history . 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Theatre Research in Canada" <tric.rtac at UTORONTO.CA> 
Sent: Thursday, 23 October, 2014 2:35:05 PM 
Subject: The Dumbells and Norman Fraser Allan 

Dear colleagues, 

I am writing to you on behalf of Stephanie Hall, who contacted the TRIC/RTAC office regarding an article she had read in TRIC by Patrick B. O'Neill about the Dumbells. Stephanie's grandfather, Norman Fraser Allan, was a member of the Dumbells, and Stephanie is now searching for any information, photos, sheet music, or other material pertaining to this group or to her grandfather specifically. 

If anyone has come across any information about the Dumbells or Norman Fraser Allan over the course of their research, Stephanie would be grateful to hear from you. She can be reached at stephhall3 at . Alternatively, if you'd prefer to forward information to us at the TRIC office, we'd be glad to pass it on to her. 

Thank you for any assistance you can offer. 

Kelsy Vivash 
Senior Editorial Assistant, TRIC/RTAC 


Alan Filewod 
Professor and Director, 
School of English and Theatre Studies 
University of Guelph 
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